Presented by Marginpar developed by Gregor Lersch
Developed by Gregor Lersch
2022 Flower Trends

In the world of flowers, a gentle change is taking place. Not all changes are permanent, some are returning (like wedding and event work - which we have had to miss recently). But the palette is changing, and the question arises: is the flower business still as strong as pre-Corona?
In some countries, domestic consumption has actually increased, due to the simple explanation that people are spending more time at home. Furthermore, we see that highly qualified, artistic florists, are increasingly distinguishing themselves from the traditional flower stalls. Concepts with ‘a bit of everything’ are fading. More ‘workroom’ concepts are emerging. At the same time, it is a challenge to keep shops at prime locations in the city.
This Trend Top 10 has been designed for florists but is also interesting for buyers and distributors. An interplay with trends from the interior field, looking at colours, textures, images, shapes and craftsmanship. It is not a must, but I see the special, extraordinary flowers as being eminently suitable for artistic flower design. These very delicate and graceful flowers are most beautiful in the hands of professionals.
Create & Enjoy, GREGOR LERSCH