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Petals with Purpose - Charity Blooms

🌸💖 Explore #CharityBlooms, an impactful trend shaping the floral industry. This concept encourages florists to harness the power of giving by creating special collections where a portion of sales supports local charities. It’s not only about beautifying spaces but also enriching lives through meaningful contributions. 🌼🤲 At the Flower Trends Forecast, we guide you on implementing this trend, from selecting charity partners to marketing your charitable collections. Discover how integrating Charity Blooms into your offerings can enhance your brand’s value and community presence.

#BloomsThatCare #FlowersWithPurpose #SocialImpactFloristry #FloralCharity #GiveBack #TrendForecasting #FloralIndustry #CharityBouquets

Flower Trends Forecast: A Publication of International Floral Distributors, Inc. (IFD)
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