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Flower Trends in the News

Trends are the evolution of consumer preferences. Those preferences are driven by individuals’ personal needs and aspirations. Flower trends impact all aspects of a floral purchasing experience. Here we share information advancing the evolution of the trends so that we may be more responsive to the ever-changing desires of consumers.

A Positive Floral Feel

Share the Positivity of Flowers

The positive effects of flowers on human emotions is not only well-documented but it directly impacts the well-being of our customers and all the recipients and givers of flowers and plants.  Retailers of flowers and plants interact with consumers daily and have the greatest opportunity to remind customers that flowers lift our spirits, make us smile, and provide a sense of happiness.  See the article on the Power of Petals and take the step to spread the word!

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Helping Brides Find Their Floral Style

Helping Brides Find Their Floral Style

Style Me Pretty recommended to brides that they use social media wisely to plan their wedding flowers.  Their suggestion ‘Spend some time looking at your own house, your wardrobe, the things you enjoy doing. What attracts you on a daily basis…your style is already there’!  Floral designers prefer a creative process that focuses on the aspirations and preferences of the bride!  Yes social media will influence all of us but what appeals and inspires the bride counts most!  See the Style Me Pretty article.


SAF Sustainability Spotlight

Retailers Hold the Keys to Floral Industry Sustainability Story

SAF’s Floral Management has released their annual Sustainability Spotlight and retailers play the key role in marketing the sustainability efforts of the whole industry, not just their own!  The flower industry has taken important steps to become more eco-friendly and there are benefits in sharing the efforts with consumers.  Educate yourself and then educate your customers!  A great place to start is to become a member of the Society of American Florist (SAF) and take in the Sustainability Spotlight as you make plans to share, not only your efforts, but the successes of the flower industry in being more earth friendly!  Need ideas on how to up your own sustainability efforts, see Flower Trends Forecast EcoFloral Renaissance for ideas to activate!


Bride Inspiration

Flowers To Inspire Brides

Some brides know exactly what they want, others need to be inspired.  The new David Austin, The World of Iconic Wedding Roses is truly inspiring publication!  If your bride wants to create a signature wedding this inspirational brochure has all of the elements to capture their hearts and imagination!  See the brochure or order a printed copy!


Consumers Twist Wedding Trends

Consumers Twist Wedding Trends

 Using more plants and sustainable floral arrangements are in the wedding trend report. Wedding floral selections of today’s couples are elevating a diversity of styles and options reflecting new aspirations and priorities. Be prepared for new ideas from brides and take the time to understand their priorities.  No matter the new twist, flowers will be there to make the romantic impact!  See the article of top wedding trends for 2023

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Flower Trends Forecast: A Publication of International Floral Distributors, Inc. (IFD)
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